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Ways in which teaching and learning plans can be adapted in the Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (CET)

Adapting teaching and learning in the Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training

Regardless of the course you teach, and the Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (CET) is no different. You need to ensure that the way that you teach and assess is adapted to meet the individual needs of each learner. Once a learner has been accepted onto a course, you should create an ILP, and this stands for an individual learning plan. We market the ILP on our Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (CET) as a personalised study plan, but the purpose is to outline what they will be working towards, along with target dates and any support they might require. 

Barriers in the Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training

Learning needs are specific to you, they might include disabilities, they may include the reasons you are attending the Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (CET) and they may be what barriers you have so this could be cost, location, time, work challenges or family things that are going on at home. Without knowing this information to start with, you would end up being placed on a course which doesn’t cater for your own personal circumstances and won’t be anywhere near as useful.  

Look at it this way, imagine you were expected to complete the Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (CET) in as little as three weeks. This is actually achievable but its unrealistic. Let’s say you are a trainer in the NHS who has taken the Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (CET) to help you take your training to the next level, but you have to follow the same exact programme as everyone else with no individual needs catered for and you have the same deadlines.

You are still teaching at work, but now you have to attend classes at the same time as everyone else and must create your session plans and scheme of work within 2 weeks. Its going to add a lot of pressure and realistically, you are going to drop out. Instead, by personalising the course, we can look to take evidence from your current work practice, the session plans that you create and the resources and use this towards your course instead of having to create materials and session plans for the sake of it. Just by having your own plan, we can personalise what you do and when you do it, so it creates create an additional workload on you, so you are more likely to achieve your Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (CET) and not drop out.  

ILP in the Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training

The ILP should be formally negotiated and agreed, however, they can be amended at any time if necessary. Things happen, lets use COVID for example and it must be flexible. You should encourage your learners to talk to you and give you feedback as to how they are progressing, and how they feel their learning can be supported. 

Consider the ILP like a contract with each learner, it outlines what they are expected to achieve and when and helps formalise the learning process. Link the goals to the teaching, learning and assessment approaches. Any supportive and respectful tutor will ensure that realistic goals and targets are agreed. 

To help agree a realistic ILP, we need to consider your initial and diagnostic assessments as a starting point. Are you starting form scratch or are you an advanced trainer? Do we need to communicate with anyone else involved in the learning process such as learning support assistant or workplace supervisors? When are you available for regular tutorial and review sessions to discuss the programme with your tutor? 

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