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level 3 award in education and training q8

Role of other professionals in the Level 3 Award in Education and Training (AET)

Regardless of what your teaching role is, whether you’re a corporate trainer, teacher trainer, manager, you name it. Your role will include working with other professionals. Let’s talk about the roles in the Level 3 Award in Education and Training. Let’s say I am the teacher. I have other professionals I need to work with as part of my role and this will vary depending upon what you are teaching, your role, the organisation you work for and the boundaries of your role.

Level 3 Award in Education and Training regulated qualification

For any regulated qualification, and when I say regulated, these are the qualifications which are recognised anywhere as they are approved by Ofqual, you typically follow the same process where the teacher or the assessor is responsible for training the learners and then assessing the learners where they would typically have a final grade. The role of the teacher and assessor is often overlapped but teachers are those that impart the knowledge, and the assessors check to make sure you know it. But normally it’s the same person teaching and then assessing to confirm it has been learnt. But on from this, there should be an IQA. An IQA stands for an internal quality assurer so its their job to make sure that the teacher is providing good teaching and the assessor is making good decisions.

Level 3 Award in Education and Training internal auditors

So, in an employment perspective, they are a manager making sure that the job is done correctly. Like an internal auditor, the IQA cannot be part of the teaching and assessing process as there would be a conflict of interest if they are auditing their own work which cannot happen. So, the IQAs role is to make sure the teacher and assessor is doing their job and then might provide further training to help them in their role. So, this is what happens at work anyway. And then we have an EQA. An EQA External quality assurers’ job is the same as an IQA but they work for the awarding body. The responsibility of an EQA is to make sure that any courses that have been run, have been done properly so this means checking that teacher, trainers, assessors and IQAs are competent, qualified and experienced to do their job. They also check that the course has been run the right way, the right content has been taught, the right content has been produced by the learners so ultimately their job is to make sure everything is done right and to a good standard before they issue a certificate.

Level 3 Award in Education and Training professionals

This is just a breakdown of the staff involved in the Level 3 Award in Education and Training, but you also have other professionals who you work with. We won’t go into detail but who will register learners on a course? Who will deal with the paperwork? Who is responsible for the learner’s wellbeing? Who is responsible for the IT? You may be teaching in a small company where you will be doing all of these roles, or you could be working in a University with the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training where there are specialist departments for any support a learner may need.

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