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level 3 award in education and training q9

Points of referral in the Level 3 Award in Education and Training (AET)

To avoid overstepping your boundaries, you need to be able to refer learners to the right place. When I train the trainers, I am limited to what I can do outside of my teaching role. During the Level 3 Award in Education and Training, I teach the course and do all course related activities however I am not best placed to be able to deal with all single need learners have. This might be because I don’t have the authority, I don’t have the skills, don’t have the time or just don’t know. This is ok, you are not expected to be able to resolve every single learner need yourself, but as a professional, you should know where you can refer or signpost your learners to.

Level 3 Award in Education and Training corporate training

Let’s start with corporate training, an employer wants me to train their trainers, we design the programme, make administration arrangements, and then start to deliver the class. The first question I always get asked is ‘do we get paid for this?’ I really don’t know, and it is not my responsibility to find out if they get paid. I couldn’t imagine how a client would feel if I started to ask questions about HR and the policies on this. It’s not my place to do this. I have been hired to deliver the programme. To deal with this, I would politely recommend that they take it up with a manager or their HR department.

Level 3 Award in Education and Training role of administrators

As you can see here, I am referring to where the learner needs to go to find out. You could find out yourself depending on the situation, but you need to be aware of who you need to speak with or refer to for further information. Teaching the Level 3 Award in Education and Training, we need to refer learners to administrators to process paperwork and IDs so the learner can be registered on the qualification. If the learner has personal issues, I may refer them to their personal tutor or signpost to locations where they can receive support. This may be internal to our training centre or external to another body. For example, if a learner had issues with a learning disability, I could advise them to see their GP to get formally diagnosed, if they had financial issues, I could advise them to get hold of the bank, speak to Citizen’s advice or even local job support teams.

Level 3 Award in Education and Training progression

The teaching suite of qualifications we offer such as the Level 3 Award in Education and Training, the Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training and the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training, including the Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement are suitable for different people therefore I need to refer learners to the most appropriate course. There is no point someone taking the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training if they cannot meet the work 100 hours work placement, so they are more likely better suited to the Level 3 Award in Education and Training. Similar to the Assessing qualifications, you need a placement in the classroom and the workplace to do complete the Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement so you may be better off referring them the Level 3 Award in Assessing Vocationally Related Achievement or the Level 3 Award in Assessing Competence in the Workplace. The idea is that we help learners as much as we can to our ability whilst staying within our boundaries.

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Mathew Reynolds | Managing Director and Teacher
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