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level 3 award in education and training q5

Maintaining a safe and supporting learning environment in the Level 3 Award in Education and Training (AET)

It is critical in any learning or work environment whether you’re studying the Level 3 Award in Education and Training or if you are providing staff training that you maintain a safe and supportive environment.

Level 3 Award in Education and Training supportive environment

If learners feel safe, secure, confident, valued and supported then they are going to thrive in any environment. This includes health and safety, are they safe from danger? Are they warm? Are they hydrated? And also equality and diversity, are they free to express their opinions and not to be ridiculed or bullied by others? As a trainer or any management role, it is your responsibility to ensure that learners or employees do manage behaviour of others. In the Level 3 Award in Education and Training we point to setting our ground rules where in the workplace it is your contract of employment or your code of conduct policy.

Level 3 Award in Education and Training ground rules

First and foremost we need to set the rules of the game of how to act and behave in the classroom or the workplace. Learners and employees will be more motivated to follow these rules if they come up with them in the first place so it’s a good idea to find ways to help your learners or employees to do this. This could simply getting learners to work together and create new rules or suggestions which is proven to aid engagement in the workforce. You can do this in groups or individually in review meetings but it is an idea to facilitate this to ensure values that are important to your organisation such as being on time, getting work completed on time, behaviour, use of personal devices for examples.

Level 3 Award in Education and Training learner handbook

In the Level 3 Award in Education and Training, we give our learners a handbook with our code of conduct so our expectations of how we expect our learners to behave and this would be the same in employee contracts. It’s important that we have this in writing so there is clear guidelines of what is and what is not acceptable which will definitely be useful if you need to go down the HR route.

Level 3 Award in Education and Training accountability

The idea of getting your learners or your employees to set these rules is that it gives them accountability. For those that know we know that I am a man of my words so its internally drilled into me to do what I say I must do and I am therefore I am more motivated to keep my end of the bargain. Its more powerful in groups as it’s the expectations of a team and if you breach these expectations, you disrespect other team members which more often than not, no one wants to do.

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Mathew Reynolds | Managing Director and Teacher
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