Key concepts and principles of the Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement (CAVA)
The assessment cycle in the Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement
Like teaching, assessment also follows a cycle, and the general idea is to improve the assessment process for continual improvement. During our Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement (CAVA), the assessment cycle starts with the initial assessment. This is for us to determine whether you are on the right programme and have the necessary support in place to complete the programmes. This information can be obtained in a range of ways, for example, application forms, interviews, diagnostic tests and discussions.
Assessment planning in the Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement
Assessment planning is agreeing suitable types and methods of assessment with learners and setting appropriate target dates and look at involving others such as a mentor to provide a witness testimonial, your tutor to visit and your learners or colleagues to attend the assessment. After this stage, we move onto assessment activity.
When completing the Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement (CAVA), activities are stipulated by the awarding body however we can make certain adaptations to meet the needs of learners such as which assessment methods will be used in their practical assessments. Following assessment activity, you need to make an assessment decision and give feedback. You are using your judgement to make a decision on achievement, have they passed or refereed and give constructive feedback detailing the reasons for or against and agree targets.
To finish off the assessment cycle, you need to review progress and achievement and discuss any other issues relevant to the learning process. At this stage you may be confirming achievement or may plan to reassess your learners or to move onto the next stage of the programme. The cycle will now start again with the initial assessment for the next stage. So, in the Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement (CAVA), you would complete your portfolio and then move onto planning your assessment practice.
Concepts in the Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement
Concepts are the aspects involved throughout the assessment process, whereas principles are how they are put into practice. For example:
- Accountability – ensuring that you are carrying out your role properly.
- Achievement – analysing achievement data in line with company requirements.
- Assessment strategies – this is you following the assessment strategy for your subject ensuring your role is carried out correctly.
- Benchmarking compares accepted standards against particular subjects or learners, this might be your learners progress or comparison against learning outcomes.
- Evaluation – this is reviewing the assessment process and getting feedback from all. The purpose is to aid improvement.
- Internally or externally devised assessment methods– this are assessments created by your training provider (internal) or the awarding organisation (external) to carry out the programme and confirm achievement.
- Progression is moving the learner along their study programme towards the end of the qualification or even towards the next qualification.
- Transparency – this is transparency with your decisions being honest with progress and achievement.
- Types of assessment such as initial, formative summative. This is determining which assessment methods will be used, when and why.
Principles in the Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement
The Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement (CAVA) must follow certain principles are how the assessment process is safe, ethical and fair. And as an organisation, this is what we pride ourselves on but how does it fit within the assessment process?
Ethical means using methods that are suitable for what is being assessed and ensuring that the learner’s welfare, health, safety and security are not compromised.
Safe is in this context is not about heath and safety but about whether the learners work is valid and authentic. This is not compromising the learners experience or potential and ensuring that the learners work is their own. This is more vital during self-study.
Lastly fair, fair means are methods are fair and appropriate at the required level taking into account particular needs and that all learners have an equal chance of an accurate assessment decision regardless of the format of study or the assessor.
When studying the Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement (CAVA) you need to be familiar with two important principles which are known as VARCS and SMART. VARCS ensures that assessments are carried out correctly taking into account key criteria. SMART is about setting realistic and achievable goals for the learners to achieve the qualification.