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Key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice in the Level 3 Award in Education and Training (AET)

Regardless of your role, whether an employer, teacher, teacher trainer, or an employer. There is legislation that affects your role. Let’s start with the Health and Safety at Work Act. Basically, all employers, employees, subcontractors and any third parties have a responsibility to ensure everyone is safe. This should start in the classroom so maybe you are on the Level 3 Award in Education and Training or simply a site manager providing induction training for your team.

Level 3 Award in Education and Training Policies and Procedures

You need to ensure that you have the correct policies in place, you have conducted risk assessments to whom can be harmed or injured and put in effective control measures to ensure that the task or activity is safe. When I train the trainers, its me checking that the measures we have in place and the classrooms that we teach in comply with the HSE regulations, its an employees responsibility or a learners responsibility to follow these procedures and to ensure they conduct themselves safely and ensure that they don’t do anything stupid which may cause injury to themselves or others.

Level 3 Award in Education and Training regulations

Another factor is Data Protection or GDPR. We don’t cover GDPR in the Level 3 Award in Education and Training in great detail but the idea in the classroom or within the workplace is that we have make provisions for processing personal data which is anything that could identify and individuals identity with this date. We need to get permissions first, so trainers need permissions to register learners on qualifications and employers need permissions to register the person on the payroll. Due to some people having poor intentions, it is critical in Education and Training and workplaces that we protects the person from having their personal details stolen.

Level 3 Award in Education and Training Equality Act

The Equality Act is an interesting law, its purpose is not about being equal. Its more to do about being fair. In the Level 3 Award in Education and Training or any teacher training course, we use the terms reasonable adjustments. And this is ensuring everyone can reasonably make adjustments to their learning regardless of any protected characteristics and the fact they are not penalised based on protected characteristics. A simple mistake employers and training providers make is excluding individuals from resources, this might simply be overlooking some cultures from training materials. Within the classroom, gender is often the problem. Boys and Girls, men and women, there are so many differences in the way that males and females are raised that, by the time they start education, it can be very difficult for teachers to treat them equally and overcome the gender stereotypes they’ve already been taught.

Level 3 Award in Education and Training Safeguarding Act

Lastly in the Level 3 Award in Education and Training, we talk about safeguarding whether this is children or vulnerable adults which equally applies to employment. This is simply ensuring that teacher trainers or any employee in any organisation takes measures to protect vulnerable individuals. The most recognised form of safeguarding is having an enhanced DBS which states this person is trustworthy. The idea is that we are responsible for keeping individuals safe and free from abuse. In this instance, if your business works with vulnerable individuals then you need to have a designated teacher or member of staff responsible for dealing with safeguarding, Clear procedures to follow if staff are concerned about a child and for checking staff before they work with children and staff who are trained to identify signs of abuse or other safeguarding issues including what to do if they or someone else is worried about a child.

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Mathew Reynolds | Managing Director and Teacher
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