How technology contributes to the Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement (CAVA)
Why we use technology in the Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement
Technology is amazing but it can also be the worst thing depending on if it works and whether I can use it. I use technology when assessing the Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement (CAVA) in many ways. And I start with initial assessments, not longer do I have to print tests and then manually mark scores, this is done for me. This has saved quite a bit of time.
Electronic assessment records in the Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement
We complete electronic assessment records, so no more printing and we always have the most recent version no matter which computer I am using when teaching the Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement (CAVA). A big annoyance is when everything syncs, and it takes a while to download or when I am not using a computer. Sometimes when I use my phone, I may not have a signal, or my data has elapsed meaning I need to find somewhere with WIFI. We know, we should always prepare but sometimes we are too busy or simply technology can be irritating but for the most part its beneficial.
When completing your portfolio on the computer, they can be emailed or uploaded to the cloud very quickly meaning I can have it in minutes, or you can screenshare and we can go through it together online which is quicker that sending it via post which can get lost, and I’ve seen learners do this. Then you have the other issues where you can save other existing work and I have done this so many times and its frustrating. There is a downside to this is that you never know who is doing the work, is it a partner, a spouse, a parent and how much input are they having? You just need to be careful about these risks.
Online standardisation in the Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement
When participating in standardisation meetings for the Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement (CAVA) we now do these online. Its impossible to get the whole team in one place and available at the same time so we can record our meetings and share with others. And the same goes for assessments too, we can now record using computers, phones and cameras and we can now evidence the assessments as opposed to going out and watching it but not being able to replay the assessment. I still go out and assess but I record at the same time. These could be videos, you could also complete audios whilst questioning your learner.
Technology is constantly evolving, and new resources are frequently becoming available. It’s crucial to keep up to date with new developments and you should try to incorporate these within the assessment process. It’s not only about you are using technology to help assess your learners, but about your learners using it to complete their assessment activities.
Overall, the main benefit of technology is the ease in which we can now deliver assessments online and then retain evidence of it so we can prove that the assessment happened and then gives us time to look over again. Technology is only as good as the person using it so you need to be able to use technology yourself, have the right equipment which could be expensive and then you may need to rely on your learners being tech savvy as well.