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Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training q22

Effectiveness of resources in the Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (CET)

Crucial resources in the Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training

We define resources as all of the aids to support you to deliver your lesson. The most crucial resource in the Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (CET) is the trainer. The main purpose of using resources is to stimulate learning, add impact and promote interest in your subject. The trainer provides their expertise delivering the session and will create all of the resources needed to deliver an effective session. People are a useful resource and can include other people such as visiting speakers and colleagues. A visiting speaker is someone who works in the field of your specialist subject.

Stories in the Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training

They can help bring the subject to life with anecdotes and real stories of what it’s like to work in that area. Think about the time you were at primary school and your parents would be invited into school talking about what they do as a job. And many secondary schools will invite individuals to the assembly and give students the opportunity to talk to experts in their fields.  

Colleagues might be the people that assist you to run the course. In the Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (CET) other people include my IT department, admin staff and IQA, these are all valuable people that can contribute to the successful running of the class. When I talk about jobs in teaching and assessing, learners don’t want to hear from me but like to hear from previous learners who have successfully transitioned into a new job. Because of this, I often invite previous learners to my classrooms to discuss their journey and how the Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (CET) benefited them. 

Other resources in the Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training

You will be aware of other resources such as posters, handouts, PowerPoints, and books but you need to consider how your resources can be adapted to meet the different needs of learners. Your learners may have dyslexia, hearing or sight impairments or disabilities. With this in mind, you should think about adapting your resources to meet these needs. One of my main reasons for creating our eLearning platform is when our learners complete the Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (CET), regardless of their study mode, they have access to online learning, handbooks, videos, and interactive presentations. This means that our resources have been created with different learning styles in mind.  

Conduct your initial and diagnostic assessment and review where resources may need to be adapted for each learner. You are advised just to create resources which meet the needs of several needs in one go and create a variety to meet many more needs. Your resources need suit the level of your learners. Let’s say on the Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (CET), learners are expected to be able to read and write slightly better than the Level 3 Award in Education and Training therefore we need to ensure resources reflect different abilities. I’ll use my three-year-old son for example, he needs pictures to accompany the letters to help him understand the sounds but a six-year-old we be able to process words.  

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